Info & contact
Hello! I'm Mark Verhaagen, a Dutch illustrator based in Berlin, Germany.
With playful imagination, a healthy dose of fun and an eye for detail, I aim to create illustrations that fuel the inner child in all of us.
Over the course of the past 2 decades, my work has appeared internationally on magazine covers, billboards, packaging, television, and everything in between. During the pandemic, I started learning 3d to explore new creative paths. Since then, I’ve slowly but steadily been creating a new portfolio of 3d work.
For more information, commissions or just a quick hello, please get in touch! Me or my agent would love to hear from you:
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Contact my agent:
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+31(0)20 470 47 27
+31(0)20 470 47 27
Selected clients
- Spin Master Ltd. - MTV networks - Vodafone UK - ING Bank - Bonbek
magazine - Hasbro - Amsterdam Historical Museum - Jumbo Supermarkt -
Computer Arts Projects magazine - Vakantiepaspoort - Hotel Berlin - Göoo magazine - Digital
Creative Arts magazine - Fontmonster - Laidback Luke - Sprout magazine -
Roger magazine (Virgin) - Colombo Amsterdam - Vrij Nederland - Dzone
magazine - CJP magazine - Bacardi Batbeats - Carp* magazine - Blaadje
magazine - Men’s Health magazine - Holland Herald magazine - John Brown
Group - Blend Store Rotterdam - Museumn8 Amsterdam - Number 31 - BDO
Magazine - KLM / Air France - Digital Playground - Norml Clothing -
Möglich magazine - PAGE - Look-o-Look - Dierenbescherming Nederland -
TBWA group - Domestic - Nickelodeon
Selected publications
Pictoplasma Character Encyclopaedia - Jeremyville Sessions - Computer
Arts China - Computer Arts Projects magazine - Photoshop Creative
magazine - IDPURE magazine - Creative Grab Bag - IDEA Design magazine -
Dzone magazine